Opinie Naszych Klientów
Jesteśmy jedną z najlepszych firm zajmujących się projektowaniem i pozycjonowaniem stron internetowych w US.
Zobacz co piszą o nas nasi klienci:

5 reviews·220 photos
Our company has been working with STRONY123 for almost a year now and I would highly recomend them to anyone! The staff is ALWAYS available via phone or email and I dont have to continuously follow up, if I need clarification or I ask a question they are very responsive at all times!! Every change I ask for is immediatly done with feedback on progress.

261 reviews·1,187 photos
I hired STRONY123 to build me a professional website and to promote it. It's been just a couple of months and I can't believe the amount of requests for an estimate I receive. They totally exceeded my expectations in such a short time. My business displays on the first page in most important categories. It's worth every penny I pay for the SEO.

2 reviews
I had an excellent experience with STRONY123 team. Thanks to their knowledge and determination; my website looks great and functions really good. They met all of my expectations and had a lot of insight regarding a new marketing tools. I will be using them in the future!